Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
I have never been a "Resolutions" guy. In fact, I think they are pretty ridiculous. I mean really. If you have to wait until a certain time of year to set goals you are limiting yourself. Personally, I think it should be a process of continuous review. Jeez, I am getting awfully serious here.
That being said, here is a short list of what I expect to be continually working on during 2010 and probably for the rest of my life.
Happiness - You can never have enough and I need to seek more ways to grab happiness by the throat and wring every ounce of it out that I can with my ever tightening grip. Hmmm better keep an eye on this one.
Empathy for others - Oooo boy. This is a big challenge for cynical me, whose base philosophy is "Too bad ignorance isn't painful". It also may conflict with item #1.
Love - Here is a little something you can never have too much of or give enough. I think I need to work a bit more on the giving part.
Moderation - I'm an all or nothing kind of guy. When I ran it was with obsession. When I switched to cycling it was so I could take on 100 mile rides. Drinking - we don't need to go there and don't any more. I need to embrace moderation and stay away from obsession.
Time with my family - Work has dominated my life from the time I was 14. Yes, I need to pay the bills, but I also need to blend my life with those most important to me (see items 3 and 4).
Listening - What? Okay, bad joke and every time someone says something about hearing or listening, some idiot always chimes in with a "What?", so I said it for you. Listening is hard for some of us. I am usually too busy thinking about my response to what someone says to fully concentrate on what is being said. Here is where I need help. The better I can listen, the better I believe I can stay on top of everthing listed before "Listening". Hear me?
Keep it light - I love humor, but I can be very serious and I can be extremely hard on myself. Not only do I have to keep it light on others, but I need to cut myself some slack.
Lose weight - Ha! Just kidding. No stupid resolutions for me - see item #4.
Stir it up - Sometimes I have a tendency to go with the flow too much. I need to stand up and question more often. Express my feelings instead of burying them. Allow a bit of anger even.
Expect abundance - No this doesn't go against item # 4. I'm not talking about over abundance, I'm talking about comfort and raising my level of expectation without being unrealistic. Wrap you heads around that one....pretty specific, eh? But if you ponder it, you'll understand.
A Happy 2010 to all of you and I hope your lists suit you well and are fulfilled. Thanks for your kind comments in 2009 and I relish the thought of more in 2010.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Aaaaa It's Snowing
So what we do is run away from work, jam the streets like a frozen parking lot and spin tires. Since I have been working (and I use the term lightly at this time of year) from home. I didn't have any place to drive to or from. I put a jacket on my big headed dog, grabbed my son and went for a walk through the falling snow. It was wonderful. Played like a kid one eighth my age (yes, I'm that old).
Mrs. Monkey Man, however, wasn't that lucky. While she only works three miles from home, traffic was a bitch and after for 45 minutes and progressing a mere mile and a half, parked her car and walked the rest of the way.
I met her halfway with a heavier coat and a warm hand to hold. Our walk home was delightful. There is a walking path in a green space near our neighborhood that was a winter wonderland. Snow still falling and creaking under our feet as we walked. It was peaceful and romantic. The stillness and quiet that comes with snow enhanced the whole experience.
Even though it was almost six o'clock in the evening when we got home, it was as bright as midday outside. It was quite surreal. We were greeted by a snowman at the bottom of our driveway that had been built by the neighbor kids. Check it out.
This morning the snowman is toppled and the snow is mainly slush, but I have a white birthday and that's pretty cool.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday 160 - Walk in my shoes

but the fit wasn’t right.
Then tight.
No matter the walking distance,
it was only empathy touching
imagination that opened my mind.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the 160 Challenge if you dare.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter's Fog

Stopping the flow - A Sunday 160
The usually rapid stream

This is a Sunday 160.
Take the 160 Challenge if you dare.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Save the Whales
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
While I am sure whale oil would work, I very much doubt the fine folks at the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society would even sniggle at my attempt to poke fun at them. Click on the Ady Gil link above for the whole story. Be sure to listen to the spooky music intended to scare the Japanese whaling fleet. Good luck to these people in their efforts to save the whales.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Spell Czech

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Take Pause

like the tail of a coiled snake
It's the first defense,
this effort to lash out
with deadly swiftness.
The assault meant to bite deeply
and discharge the verbal toxin
upon its prey.
The rattle quickens,
sending surges
through the thoughts.
The coils tighten,
yearning for release.
The rattle warns,
but only one can hear.
Should the strike hit home,
the damage will be fatal.
Organize the words.
Relax the coils.
Let all survive.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A chilling tale.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

After only a few minutes
all the trees began to
look very much alike.
He knew he must be lost.
The minutes turned to hours.
Light to dark.
His thoughts turned to loved ones.
How would they find him?
Suddenly, a voice called to him –
“Hey, buddy, pick a Christmas tree. We’re closing.”
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
The challenge is on.
It is also G-Man's birthday.
If you can fill a text message, you can do this.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
No Rose Bowl

It was a classic battle.
Back and forth.
Toe to toe.
A true heavyweight fight.
No one deserved to lose,
but in the end
it wouldn't be Roses for beloved Beavers.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the 160 Challenge if you dare.
But better yet, Challenge yourself to post the best comment. There may even be a prize!
Friday, December 4, 2009
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
If you can fill a text message, you can do this.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Challenge is Good

The gauntlet was thrown down
and the antagonists stood by
ready for a battle.
The challenge was on
to see who could write
the most creative comment on the page.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the 160 Challenge if you dare.
But better yet, Challenge yourself to post the best comment. There may even be a prize!
Friday, November 27, 2009

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
If you can fill a text message, you can do this.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Even retirement dealt him a fist full of poor cards when his wife of 45 years died before he could allow himself to be happy with his new found time and he was then more alone than he had felt in his entire life. Loneliness and boredom. His love gone. His friends passed or out of touch. He fell deeper into a depression he didn't recognize or know how to overcome. His generation knew nothing of therapy. They pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and got on with life, no matter how miserable they were.
His anger at the cruelty of the world left him bitter and resentful. He walked in an attempt to let off the steam, but even this became painful as his once fit and toned body began to feel its age and fail him. Everyday, the same walk with only his animosity and shadow as companions. The walks seemed to leave an impression of his consciousness. His shadow tending to lead the way as his body struggled to keep up. The shadow knew the routine - 'round the casting pond, past the playground and duck pond with a stop at the lone willow next to the bridge over Crystal Springs Creek.
Same route. Same time. Daily. For years. Until he finally fell asleep and never woke up.

He was no longer physically taking his walk. Only his shadow remained to repeat the daily sojourn. A shadow so barely perceptible that only a glimpse out of the corner of one's eye might catch it. The man was gone, the shadow stayed. A ghostly apparition. Was it a lost soul unable to let go of an earthly attachment? Was it simply a shadow locked into the long established pattern looped through the end of eternity - neither ghost nor lost soul, but disembodied shadow doomed to repetition of long completed activities, yet still attached through the depth of negative or positive emotions delivered over the years?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Awards are silly....but

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Bad Occupations
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Thursday, November 19, 2009

“It’s raining men.
Thank you VH1 One Hit Wonders of the 80’s.”
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
If you can fill a text message, you can do this.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A lone witness.

This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A tasty 55
few could understand
he began the process
of undressing his victim.
Peeling a layer at a time
to reveal the milky white skin
he so loved to see, feel and taste.
The skin beckoned.
He opened his mouth
and bit hard,
tearing into his target.
God, he loved onions.

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
The challenge is on.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Bumper Sticker Madness

Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Words will never harm you???

The words flew from her lips
with skin piercing velocity.
They ripped and cut and left
gaping wounds that may
take a lifetime heal.
His only recourse – forgive.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Friday, November 6, 2009
20 years
I am not big on drunk-alogs, so I won't go into the how it was part of my story. I drank like a pig until the party was over, then drank some more. I drank until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and knew alcohol was running and ruining my life. I had to stop. I also had too much pride and ego to go to treatment, so I grabbed on to the arms of chairs in meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous and gripped until my knuckles turned white.
I did what I was told - got a home group, a sponsor, did service work and didn't drink. I committed myself to sobriety and hoped for a better life. I learned faith.
Now, twenty years later, I am at a different stage in my life. Yes, I still go to meetings, but I am no guru. Nor do I want to be. Today, I just want to participate in and enjoy life. I don't spend time worrying about "God's will" for me or even reading the "Big Book" for that matter. I learned some time ago that meetings can take me only so far. That not all answers are there or in the books we are told to use as a guide early on. I do believe there is reference to seeking professional help in the pages of that big blue book and that is what I needed to do to help myself become whole.
I went to meetings. Put on a happy face but was miserable inside. Depressed. Angry. In denial that someone with as much sobriety as I had could still have problems. But guess what? I have this condition. It's called being a member of the human race and we all have issues we have to face. They aren't exclusive to alcoholics, although to hear some people talk in meetings you would think so. Again....News Flash! Human beings of all types have mental and physical problems and we all have to learn how to deal with them.
So does twenty years make me some sage old timer bathed in a constant warm light of serenity? No. It makes me a guy who has been to lots of meetings, is twenty years older than he was when he stopped drinking and has maybe learned a thing or two along the way. But I would hope I would be open minded enough to learn and grow over that period of time.
In sobriety I have been divorced, married, had two children who have never seen me drunk (but have seen me as a raving lunatic), lost a parent, had cancer and the chemo that goes with it and I very nearly lost my family due to stubbornness and deep seated anger. For that matter, I had lost sight of myself. Through it all I never drank and with the help of a loving wife and professional care, I rediscovered love and goodness in my life. I woke up. Life had been dark and smelled of I pulled my head out of my ass.
I also rediscovered writing. Yes, I can go on and on, but don't we all at times. I write today for me. Sometimes to release, vent - as I am doing here. Sometimes just to draw a picture. To feel the creative juices flowing again. It was a love I lost and, again with the help of my beautiful and talented wife, found anew. (Anew....pulease.)
So, CHEERS! everyone. Lift a glass of your favorite beverage (I prefer H2O) and toast to growth, happiness, faith and love of family and friends.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fall 55

Clouds strolled by
on the wings of wind.
Dark gray on a background of pewter
with the occasional shimmer
of silver or blue.
Cold stopped the sap
from flowing through the veins
of deciduous leaves
ripping the blue
from their spectrum
and leaving only
the fires of yellow,
orange and red
to warm Fall’s chill.
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
The challenge is on.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I can scribble in a superior fashion - I guess

Now comes the cut and paste part of this blog. I really wanted to rewrite these rules to make them mine, but truth be known I was just too lazy having been in a state of recovery from eating all my kids' Halloween candy and the hangover that goes with it. (Okay, that was a blatant plug to my last blog - the Sunday 160 - which is a basic rip off of G-Man's Flash Fiction Friday 55.)
I guess since I really didn't have anything to write about other than getting this award, I would just run on and on and see how many links I can get in to my older posts. Try this one. I wrote it when I couldn't sleep one night. Or this one which I wrote as a tribute to Mrs. MM who I love and respect to no end.
Oh, yah, the rules.
The Scribbler award comes with some rules:
• Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
• Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
• Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
• Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
My Scribbler Award winners are:
Pheromone Girl Grows Up (Be sure to link to and read her older posts as Pheromone Girl)
Adventures of One Sober Woman
Let Me Go On And On...
Green Eyed Momster (I know you've already received one of these....but not from me)
Mrs. Nesbitt's Place
So there you have it. If you haven't visited these writers, please do. If you have, please continue to do so. Thanks again, Matty, and did I mention my blog on Childhood Fear or my post that was my first stab at poetry?
Told you I was going to promote. Happy November.
The Day After
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mutilation Muse
Knife held high.
His heart pounded in his chest
as his plan ran through his mind
over and over again.
He knew this was
a job he had to do.
Razor sharp steel
piercing flesh,
changing this perfect form
into something
horrifyingly different
and unrecognizable.
Carving pumpkins was carnage.

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Fish Stinks from the Head
Watching as the set up for the future
was being indirectly laid out.
The stink rose from it as if the paper
had been flavored by the words and
pressed from the compost of evil
thoughts and manipulative planning
that had bred this blood sport.
Toe the line. Meet unstated goals.
Don't make any mistakes and please
check your sense of humor at the door.
Family and camaraderie are spoken
here but only played out as a fantasy.
We want to pretend to look good so
our Gods of a greater corporate level
can see that we mean well.
It is all about facade.
True heart means nothing.
Soulless eyes lead.
Church on Sunday allows them
to be forgiven and let's them
live with their sin in a false skin.
A skin uncomfortable to me.
Let them have it.
Let them chafe.
Let them view a reflection that
looks familiar but scares just the same.
Agendas are kept hidden as new plots
hatch from the rot of spoiled minds.
Honor and honesty don't play
in today's game.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Getting Hitched
MM: “Where’s my underwear?”
Mrs. MM: “You packed them. You ought to be able to find them. If not, you just go commando?”
So those are the minor details and time will get us organized again. The real fun is getting people together, filling up that Uhaul and all the goofiness that goes along with a bunch of non-professionals pretending to know what they are doing. Me...I drive the truck and pack the back like a Tetris pro. King size bed at the back, couch here, desk there, fill holes with boxes and try not to break stuff or scratch Mrs. MM's furniture. Remember those luggage commercials with the gorillas tossing around bags? Well, we just can't allow that.
Packing the truck goes pretty well. We manage to get everything we wanted into it plus quite a few items we thought would have to go on a second trip. Down goes the back door of the truck. Our friends start taking off to meet us at the new house and I hop into the cab of the Uhaul, slip the key into the ignition, fire that baby up, put it in gear and step on the gas. Rrrrrrrrr spin the tires as I go nowhere. "What the..." I say to myself as the stench of burning rubber wafts through my nostrils, "how come I'm not moving?"
Out I jump from the cab. Mrs. MM looking not too pleased informs me that we seem to have the trailer hitch stuck on the small rise in our driveway. Shit! High centered in my own drive. I am pissed that I've done something stupid....again.
At this point everyone involved in the move becomes an expert engineer. Neighbor Brian grabs wood planks and a hammer from his garage and starts shoving them under the tires that just don't seem to want to touch ground completely. My mother-in-law starts randomly shoving two by fours around the end of the bumper and calls her husband asking him to drive over with a big length of pipe. I grab a pry bar from my garage (thank God I didn't throw it in the back just to fill a little more space). Mrs. MM puts her driving expertise to good use.
We rock and push and pry and smoke tires and try more wood and gravel and chanting and do an 'unstick my truck' dance. Nothing. We huddle and try more of the same but this time I stick my pry bar under the trailer hitch and stand on it. We move about a half an inch. No one notices but me. So we try more rocking and pushing and gravel. I stand on the pry bar and start jumping up and down on it. Miraculously and through all our efforts we sccccraape off the rise in the drive and are ready to move again....45 minutes later.
Mrs. MM drives the truck around the corner and parks it. When she returns neighbor Brian is putting his detective hat on and analyzing the scrapes the truck's hitch made in the driveway that have left a clear 'N' like shape.
"Looks like he backed up once, scraped just a little on this rise then moved forward and backed up harder a second time to get further up the driveway," he surmises. "That's why it high centered. He made two runs at it to get it more stuck the second time."
Yes, I used my best testosterone laden punch to the gas to see how far up the driveway I could get this baby when I parked it. The first effort wasn't good enough, so I did it again. Truth be known I wasn't really surprised when it was high center, I was just hoping to get enough traction to pull it off the rise. As Homer Simpson said in his sing-song fashion - "I am smart SMRT, I mean SMART."
What would a move be without a memorable moment to tell the grandchildren. I bet you've had your own memorable move. Wanna share?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A New Home
The work was back breaking for old men
not used to hard labor.
You discover who your true and
best friends are
when you move.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
The move is done. We now live out of boxes until we get organized again....but that's a whole different story.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Moving on
Cramped quarters has been the order of the day for the last ten months. Now comes a home with creature comforts I have been without for some time. Simple things like a dishwasher, disposal, decent washer and dryer. I know, others have it much worse, but allow me my indulgence. You do what you have to do to survive and our tiny home for the past ten months was serviceable but try sharing a single bathroom with two teenagers and doing without the aforementioned. Waaa. Poor me.
So this week begins the move and will take me away from some of my usual activities, like blogging. I have my priorities after all. So I move on to a better, roomier and happier place. I get keys today.
There will be space for all. A kitchen that has room for more than one (I miss cooking with Mrs. MM), a master suite with walk-in closet and our own bathroom, an office, space for the kids, a real garage and a hot tub the size of Rhode Island.
I was grateful to have a roof over my head, but am excited to be taking the next steps in my journey through life.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
You're Toast
________________________________ This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Not just a glance

with the skill and accuracy
of years of practice
and a finely honed talent.
The edge glint
in the sun light
as it neared its target.
A deadly steel
that could rend flesh
so easily if it hit is mark
as the thrower
had envisioned.
If only looks could really kill.
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
"Like a fart in a skillet" - my dad would say this about anyone who was twitchy, indecisive or annoyingly energetic. You know the type. You may even be one.
"Not worth sour owl shit" - Dad again. Never did figure out how he would know if owl shit was sour.
"Even a broken clock is right twice a day" - Dad was always eager to point out how often he was right and how stupid others could be. I believe he was truly amazed when someone he felt was not up to his standard of perfection would actually get something right. I also know he didn't make this one up. He just liked it.
"Wop Slop" - anytime my mom would make a dinner with red sauce, my father would refer to it as wop slop. In this he provided me my first lessons in sensitivity.
"Slip me a slobber" - my Grand Dad's way of saying 'give me a kiss'. This is the man who taught me that it was okay to pee behind the barn if I couldn't make it back to the house in time.
"Give me a Road Shortener" - Grand Dad's reference to handing him a beer before he took off on a road trip. It was an easier, softer time when the cops would escort you home.
"Slicker 'n' cow slobbers" - Grand Dad of course. He was a farmer who apparently had a saliva fetish. Sometimes I wondered about his relationship with his cattle.
"Picking fly shit out of pepper" - An old boss used to day this about people who found his work just not quite good enough. Perhaps a bit more detail oriented than he was.
"Jumping over dollars to pick up dimes" - same guy when talking about people who would spend money stupidly thinking they would gain from it.
Then there are a few from one of my more anally obsessed friends - Tighter than a chickenhawk's ass in a full dive & Tighter than a gnats ass stretched across a rain barrel. We won't go down the road of women in religious positions.
We have all had those friends or relatives who love sayings. Maybe you're one of them. In any me your stuff.
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mary Hill Museum Grounds Entry
On a very park like grounds that is open to the public are a number of sculptures. Including the rather whimsical "Taco Bell", a bell hanging from a bar that has a sculpted taco on it. This was my favorite.

Czar Nicholas

Monkey chess could I resist.
Then beyond the Mary Hill Museum we went.

Sam Hill's Stonehenge Memorial to WWI

An old barn outside Goldendale, WA I had to shoot.

Wind turbine farm.
And back to Hood River for a romantic dinner. (Mrs. MM hates sentences that start with And, but I had to do it.)

but expertly overlook
your own imperfections.
Set the example
of your expectation
and see how comfortable
you feel in that skin.
________________________________ This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare. Write a story using 160 characters - including spaces. Your cell phone will tell you if you have reached 160...but cell phones lie...they usually have only 144 to 150. If you want "perfection" in your count, use word count in Office Word and check the character count there. It sure beats counting. Or just say "screw it" and send a maxed out text. Have fun. - MM
Friday, October 9, 2009
It's a Crime

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pets and Peeves
Well, ego be damned. I keep seeing things that fall into these love it or leave it categories and are great fodder for a rant or a rave, a cheer or a jeer and in my case, because I want to be different, a Pet or a Peeve. I am not following the Rant and Rave Wednesday format that is short and concise due to the fact that my opinions are bloated and I like to hear myself go on and on.
So Here are a few of my Pets and Peeves.
Pet - Family Game Night. No particular night. Just whenever we feel like it, we bring out Cranium, Pictionary, Wise and Otherwise or Pretty Pretty Princess. You should see us in plastic crown, earrings and necklace.
Peeve - Ridiculous redundancies people say all the time. Like past history - as opposed to future history; reduce down (duh!); and also (I've seen this in newspapers and heard it on radio....come on); and UPC code - UPC stands for Universal Product Code so you are saying Universal Product Code Code - I hate that.
Pet - Card stores. I love buying cards. We have a local card shop with cards I can't find anywhere else. Cards that say things like, "You're a fucking Rock Star" and "Sorry I was such a dick" and "I just fucking love you." I stocked up on the Sorry card - I really can be a dick.
Peeve - Our landlord, who is actually a developer. Perhaps I should refer to him as the developer posing as a landlord. He calls up one day and tells Mrs. MM "Just wanted to let you know I have decided to put the house you have spent hours painting and making livable up for sale. You don't mind if I interrupt your family's life by running realtors and tire kicking potential buyers through your house at a moments notice, do you?" We polished this turd of a house for him to the point that it has charm and is presentable - inside and out. Afterall, we live in it. So this is what we get in return. Mr. Developerlandlord is now and forever known as Chicken Fucker.
Pet - The Blogosphere. I admit I am hooked. I have been pulled in by creative writing and the way you all really care and show it. You are a great bunch and I have been adding so many blogs to follow that it is becoming difficult to stay on top of it. I need to remind myself that family and job come first and you are just a fun addition. I have come to love and appreciate you all.
Peeve - Ignorance. I once had a bumper sticker that read - Too bad ignorance isn't painful. I still feel that way.
Pet - Giving recognition to people in Blogland. I recently passed on an award to a few bloggers. But I didn't include my favorite blog - Pheromone Girl Grows Up. This is one of the most talented writers I have ever been exposed to. She sucks you into her stories and leaves you begging for more. Be sure to stop by and go to some of the older posts from her blog as Pheromone Girl. I hope she writes a book someday. I will be the first in line to buy it. I love her.
Pet - October 9. My anniversary with Mrs. Monkey Man. We will spend this weekend away from the Internet and in loving bliss.
So there you have it - Pets and Peeves. Don't know if this will be a regular post for me, but it will definitely be part of the notes I keep in the Moleskine Mrs. MM gave to me. (She is so awesome and thoughtful.)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Good-bye 160

________________________________ This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Over the Top Award

GEM. It is called the "Over the Top" Award and I am humbled to be recognized. (I am so insecure that any attention I get causes devotion and drooling.) I jokingly referred to this award as a chain letter award, but was informed by the lovely and much more talented than I, Mrs. Monkey Man, that is is called a meme.
So here are the rules of this meme award as passed down to me by the fore-winners (is there such a thing).
1. Answer the questions below using only one word (Good! My simple mind couldn't handle more than that.)
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you (What's next, bow to your partner and doe see doe?)
C. Pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers (Shown below.)
So, now the questions:
1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket
2. Your hair? Gone
3. Your mother? Guilt
4. Your father? Passed
5. Your favorite food? Steak
6. Your dream last night? Sex
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness (ditto!)
9. What room are you in? Bedroom
10. Your hobby? Walking
11. Your fear? Failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Loved
13. Where were you last night? Restaurant
14. Something you aren't? Patient
15. Muffins? Banananut (OK it’s not really one word)
16. Wish list item? Motorcycle
17. Where did you grow up? Portland
18. Last thing you did? Changed
19. What are you wearing? Jeans (ditto!)
20. Your TV? Off
21. Your pets? Doofus
22. Your friends? Caring
23. Your life? Transitioning
24. Your mood? Thoughtful
25. Missing someone? Dad
26. Vehicle? Explorer
27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes (ditto!)
28. Your favorite store? Resale
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? Minutes
31. Last time you cried? Thursday
32. Your best friend? Wife
33. One place that I go over and over? Park
34. One person who emails me regularly? Dennis
35. Favorite place to eat? McCormack's
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Red Angel

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Just Because...
I have made a few observations that I want to share. They all begin with....
Just because.... own an expensive car doesn't mean you know how to drive.
...your hair and nails are perfect doesn't mean you look skinny.
...your dog will fit in a purse doesn't mean it can't walk.
...your signal works doesn't mean you should leave it on for 10 miles. are alone in your car doesn't mean people can't see you pick your nose. own a cell phone doesn't mean everyone wants to hear your conversation. have a bluetooth ear piece doesn't mean you look any less crazy talking to yourself.
...your children can run free in a restaurant doesn't mean they should.
...your S2000 may look like a sports car it's still a Honda.
...your daddy was president and you went to an Ivy League school doesn't mean you have a brain in your head. know the words to a song doesn't mean you can carry a tune. can play softball at 40 doesn't mean you are an athlete. have your turn signal on doesn't mean you can merge into my lane without looking.
I was going to add "Just because you can make a list doesn't mean you can write." but I would have been dissing myself and a number of very entertaining blogs I keep up on. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you will add a few of your own.....just because.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Breathtaking 160

He held his breath and stayed silent.
His heart felt like it was beating as
loud as a drum. Footsteps drew closer.
Playing hide and seek was quite exhilarating.
________________________________ This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fifty Five???

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Is this offensive??