For several days now I have been saving the words from the Word Verifications sometimes required to post a comment. I was saving because I had this brilliant idea that I would give some of the more interesting of the words definitions. Oh, how original, I thought, then while reading
"I won't be doing THAT again" by Greeneyed Momster I followed a comment by one of her followers to
Unknown Mami and on her September 10 post titled "Fragmented Fridays" there it was - MY IDEA. It may have only been one word, but it was the same idea.
Deflated, I was on the edge of throwing away the sheet with those dozens of word verifications I had written down. Okay, it was only 31, but it represented such hard work and all those tedious hours reading and commenting on blogs in order get a decent amount of verifications, I just couldn't throw them out. So with all due respect to Unknown Mami, I proceed.
There won't be 31 definitions - I am just not that bright and creative and most of the words just sucked. But there should be enough to keep us entertained and perhaps to generate a bit of creativity on the part of my fellow bloggers. You are a very creative bunch.
Here are a few definitions for your perusal:
- Untat - Removal of unwanted ink, preferably by laser.
- Swayss - A relatively long distance from one point to the next. "It swayss from here."
- Entab - Placement of dividers between section of a written document.
- Sconing - The search for just the right breakfast biscuit.
- Fezotypt - How the logo and official ranking information is placed on a Shriners hat.
- Hydrads - Advertising at the bottom of swimming pools.
- Bloefysh - The face a fat guy makes when he puts his lips on glass and blows air.
- Boelestro - A bowl of chocolate to keep the PMS at bay (special thanks for Mrs. Monkey Man)
- Phyri - When certain redhead, to whom I am married, gets naughty.
- Mendin - The sounds coming from a bar on any given Sunday afternoon during football season.
- Subso - When you aren't even feeling so-so.
- Subpr - Public relations done poorly. Most likely from the back of a van.
- Breangl - An angel made out of cheese.
- Pitud - Description of the confidence you feel when you find out what the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter equals.
- Capsy - The unbalanced feeling one gets when wearing too many hats.
- Atesstr - A teacher too lazy to teach but constantly hands out quizzes. Or when your child pushes your buttons.
- Hotkir - The newest and most sought after white wine.
- Hopha - The rebranding of an old line union boss' family name.
So that about wraps it up. Others on the "I almost gave a definition to that" list are sking, ityrounz, ratmet, capha and rargs. But I am running out of energy and Mrs. Monkey Man deserves what energy I have left.
Just as Unknown Mami did in her blog, test yourself to write a definition. Use one of my unused, rewrite one I wrote or come up with your own new Word Verification Word. Come on in, the water's fine. It's bingis.