As his hand gripped the door,
emotions flooded his mind
and ghostly presences
drifted coldly through his body.
He knew he had to ignore
all these feelings
and face those demons
that had haunted his past
and at one time defined him.
New job anxiety
was soon replaced
by friendly smiles
and warm hand shakes.

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55
hosted by Mr. Knowitall.
For more 55's pay him a visit -
Fact is I love to read and prefer books to the cold flat digital screen.
I always have at least one book in progress and several on deck.
What's your latest love on the book scene?
If you want yet another challenge
Like a text message,
the Sunday 160 only uses 160 characters (including spaces)
Keep on schedule - post Sunday
Let me know you have posted via a comment on my site
Visit at least one other Sunday 160
the Sunday 160 only uses 160 characters (including spaces)
Keep on schedule - post Sunday
Let me know you have posted via a comment on my site
Visit at least one other Sunday 160
I promise I will read your 160 and post a comment.
I will admit I'm lazy Sunday mornings lazy, so please be patient