“How do I thank them all?” he pondered.
He had never experienced such an out pouring
of kindness, caring, love, prayers and warmth.
“Something creative and funny?"
"Something straight forward and sincere?”
Why not just –
“Thank You.”
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55.
Or if you want yet another challenge write a Sunday 160.
Like a text message, the Sunday 160 only uses 160 characters (including spaces)
Keep on schedule - post Sunday
Let me know you have posted via a comment on my site
Visit at least one other Sunday 160
This 55 is written for all of you who took the time to visit my blog of Monday titled "Parade of Love". It was written in honor of my mother who passed away early that morning. My family and I truly thank each and every one of you for your kind thoughts and prayers. May you all be blessed.