Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What The Hell Wednesday - Iowa Insanity

Resurrected for today - another What the Well Wednesday. This time I simply ask, "Is it just Iowa that is insane? Or is it all of America?", after reading the headline in my morning paper that said "Romney, Santorum in surprise tie".

These are choices? A man who blames liberalism for abuse in the Catholic Church versus a man who believes that life begins at the moment of conception? In whose reality?

It appears that conservatism truly believes the only way to garner attention is to pander to extremist groups. In this case the far right. My only hope is that it is then the far right whose votes have been tallied in Iowa and this isn't a true consensus of the Grand Old Party.

It appears those smart enough and talented enough to run for America's highest office are also smart enough to run away from it. The position is now the crowning achievement of ambition for career politicians and not a home for true leadership.

It is a sad state America when we pick up our morning papers and see those headlines, shake our heads and mutter "What the Hell?"


Deb said...

You're so right. They are smart enough to run away from it... Tough job and unfortunately, not enough good (or good enough) candidates to be hopeful for. *sigh*

Tabor said...

As a liberal I do tend to think that life begins at conception. Abortion is the most complicated issue we all will face as a society for many years to come...if not forever.

Brian Miller said...

i dunno what the world is coming to MM...honestly anyone worth voting for would never want the job.,..

Brian Miller said...

good to see you man...happy new year...

Red Shoes said...

As a political moderate, I am not enthralled with any of the Republican choices.

Given that, I don't see how our country can stand another year of President Obama... We simply can not afford him economically.

At this time, I see myself voting for anyone who runs against Obama... but I also am aware I will probably not like the outcome.

I see the Democrats being as extreme one way as I see the Republicans being extreme the other way.

We are fukt...


Leo Godin said...

These are primaries, not the general election. You win primaries by pandering to the partisan base. If there were Democrat challengers you'd see the same thing from the left.
Basically candidates move to the far-left/far-right during primary season and to the center during the general election.

Monkey Man said...

Very good points here, my friends. I realize these are pandering primaries filled with candidates more interested in selling books than representing a united America and that thus primary is in a very right wing Christian state, but I am still amazed at the irrational thinking.

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

I can't even think of who's the lesser evil in Iowa right now haha.

MorningAJ said...

I've always said that anyone who wants to stand for election should be automatically disqualified.

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm just shakin' my head over here. Happy New Year!

Green Monkey said...

really good to see your post Monkey Man! Impossible to please the masses. I try to keep an open mind but the basic issues - human rights trump everything. The rights of women, gays, form front and center.

The Bipolar Diva said...

as a member of the far right, I want NEITHER Romney or Santor...however the hell you spell it.

The Bipolar Diva said...

Actually I think Hillary has me on the list called "members of the vast right wing conspiracy." whatev...
Sorry it's a benzo night...ya know, xanex, valium, ativan and any other one out there.

Ed & Jeanne said...

It would easier if they just put the comics on the front page. Oh wait...they do...

Janna said...

Politics is the freezer-burn on the leftovers of life.

No, wait, it's the insect leg in the Doritos-bag of life.

No, wait...

Bodhirose said...

Sadly, it's all of America that has lost its marbles...fasten your seat belt...we're in for a bumpy ride..even bumpier than lately!