They whined and bickered
until she could stand it no longer.
"Stop it or I will bitch slap
the three of you," she hollered.
Her husband and kids stood silently.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
That told 'em! And no mistake.
(You've been eaves-dropping on my place I think).
Oh, Mama!
someone has to take charge!
That picture says it all! I can soooo relate!
She waits quietly
sorry she raised her voice.
Complaints are rarely heard anyway.
Who cares?
Maybe Ez, since it is his birthday.
Nah, he's busy with a new bone.
That's a funny picture! I have felt like that before.
It's 10:30 my time and I just got home from a poetry reading, my second one as featured poet. Your poem was a really fine one. It's a little late to think of a 160 character entry in your Sunday 160, but I shall try. Here it is:
My Poetry Reading
I was scared to read in the city
Material I had read only to myself
At first I was filled with self-pity
Then I prayed and was restored to health.
September 20, 2009 10:41 PM
It was late last night when I posted a 160, and it must have gone to the ozone layer. Can't remember now what it was. But I did try to play!
sometimes hollering does work wonders :D
1969..Charles Krug...Cabernet Sauvignon..Special Vintage!!
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