He watched as the red spot on his chest
spread and darkened on his stark white shirt.
He had felt nothing.
Heard no warning.
Disbelief overcame shock.
“Why?” he asked himself.
Why had he worn a freshly laundered white shirt
when he knew he would be up to his elbows
in a condiment filled burger?
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55
hosted by Mr. Knowitall.
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Ooooh... what I wouldn't give for one of those 'bib-burgers' right now! Juicy one, Monkey Man.
mmm...i want one...are you sharing? party at monkeys!!!!
The old squish-shot! lol Awesome set up on this one.
lol...I hate when that happens and it always does which is why I don't dress my kids in white :)
LOL!! Excellent twist!
- Alice
I was munching a burger in the car yesterday -- I stuffed some napkins around my collar in case of this trauma. And guess what? no Heinz besmirched my lovely threads.
But... if I had NO napkin armor -- bingo -- red stains on my lovely powder blue frock would for sure have ensued.
True story: I don't own a single article of clothing that is white. And *this* is exactly the reason why. :)
I've asked myself that question DOZENS of times. And always after the fact!
Messy 55 Brother...
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
this is superb humor,
it is simply fun to read and think of the expression of the man...
fabulous 55.
MM; You are a naughty boy! Always teasing us with your words. Bless you!
Oh, I hate when that happens!
Now I want to eat one myself..
You set me craving!
I hope that stain leaves.. next time use a bib..lolssss
Smiles xx
good turn...my appetite is returning
Peace, hp
I sympathise. I don't think I have a single t-shirt without some kind of food mark that simply won't wash out!
I'm up here
Yup. This is why I wear a lot of black and why I never dress my son in white.
I wonder if there is anyone in the world that this has not happened to.
I have to wear white shirt and black slacks to my part-time job. With 3 dogs and 4 cats I can certainly empathize with this 55. Be it coffee, ketchup or pet hair, I am like a magnet for them.
Good one! You had me there for a minute; so the ketchup is a nice surprise and very funny. Great 55!
I have learned to never eat a cup of yogurt unless the hoodie I am wearing is at least a week dirty for this exact reason.
LOL ... very good! :o)
Never wear white on burger day!
Or burrito day, or chili day, or...
Hell, just don't ever wear white - then you'll be safe.
I can not wear white. It never fails, I will stain it.
Love the twist, Monkey Man!
Surprised at the turn you took at the end :)
Whew! Thank God it was only sauce!
You got a chortle out of me with that one,MM. Great 55.
For a human, I like the way your mind works.
And here I thought it was a great murder mystery about to begin! :D
Hell I alway get spots on my boobage shelf! great 55...
LOL - I know, right?
Haha...I'm good with burgers..it's the spaghetti bolognase sucking that gets me every time! :)
I need to wear a bib. Anytime I eat anything red like ketchup or spaghetti sauce, it winds up on me intead of in me.
I always love reading your twisted 55s, Monkey Man!
hahahah..and just for a moment, you had me thinking "but why his heart?" :)
Thank God it was just ketchup (or whatever)
You sure can spin a tale, MM!! :)
Ketchup in the UK. Catsup in the USA. Not BLOOD after all. Spoilsport! (But a neat 55!)
I was holding my breath on that one, MM!! You scared me!
That could very well be me! ;-)
I've done that same thing, except for me it was barbecue sauce.
There might have also been a previous incident involving taco sauce.
I really need to wear black more often.
Sounds like my eating style.
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