As his hand gripped the door,
emotions flooded his mind
and ghostly presences
drifted coldly through his body.
He knew he had to ignore
all these feelings
and face those demons
that had haunted his past
and at one time defined him.
New job anxiety
was soon replaced
by friendly smiles
and warm hand shakes.
This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55
hosted by Mr. Knowitall.
For more 55's pay him a visit -
Fact is I love to read and prefer books to the cold flat digital screen.
I always have at least one book in progress and several on deck.
What's your latest love on the book scene?
If you want yet another challenge
Like a text message,
the Sunday 160 only uses 160 characters (including spaces)
Keep on schedule - post Sunday
Let me know you have posted via a comment on my site
Visit at least one other Sunday 160
the Sunday 160 only uses 160 characters (including spaces)
Keep on schedule - post Sunday
Let me know you have posted via a comment on my site
Visit at least one other Sunday 160
I promise I will read your 160 and post a comment.
I will admit I'm lazy Sunday mornings lazy, so please be patient
yea!!!! I'm so glad.
I love happy endings.
Great 55.
now this gave me a warm, cozy feeling......
Good to hear that things are working out for you!!!
You're working?
Can I borrow 10 bucks?
Of course people would warm up to you brother, you make them all feel so young!
Excellent 55 MM...
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
Good to hear that all is going well. Starting somewhere new can be nerve-wracking!
And I can't believe G-Man asked to borrow ten bucks! I thought *for sure* he'd hit you up for $55. ;)
nice. i been meaning to ask you how the working life was going...glad to hear it is going well monkey...
Yay for happy endings!
Or happy beginnings...
Or something like that. :)
All you need now are a few bean burritos.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
I am so glad you are getting friendly handshakes & warm smiles! You deserve them. :)
It's always so hard starting a new job. I'm so glad you're being welcomed warmly and settling in, Monkey Man! Loved this 55!
My 55: Cycles
friendly smiles
and warm hand shakes...of course there were, who wouldn't be glad to have MM working with them :o)
All ends well --- under Portland friendly skies.
Good read, oh so relatable.
I've missed so much Monkey ... and will need time to catch up on whats been happening in Blogville. So it seems you've started a new job & by the sounds of your 55, and despite feelings of trepidation early in the piece, all is going well!! Thats fantastic news!! Have a great weekend Monkey!
A good ending - a new beginning.
So nice when the old-times can be welcoming to the newbies.
Sounds like you are in stage two. J.O.B. sounds good.
Don't get involved in politics that force you to choose sides. Just agree with everyone until you're secure.
Enjoy the smiles and the friendly--hope it's always a good place to be and never becomes a hideous grind.
I wouldn't count on it, but hey--hope is a good thing. Nice 55.
Yeah, strangers at first and then in a few months time, they know entirely too much about you and you know entirely too much about them. It will seem hard to believe you were ever fresh and new there. Beautifully portrayed, buddy!
Sounds like it's going well, Monkey Man. I'm so happy for you!
New job as a palm reader?
Great 55!
I am sooooo for loss of job anxiety lately. Lovely! Here's mine
Congratulations! And thank you for your kind words on my blog today.
Oh good! Wonderful to be accepted, especially at work.
The end and the beginning were always there. Before the beginning and after the end...
Great optimistic 55ve!
What do you mean you'd rather read a book than a digital screen!
Anyway, I'm gathering from your soulfoul prose that you are back in the workplace and everybody was welcoming. Phew!
And again, that poem was beautiful. When you are reading books, you should be putting together a book of poetry. I'm so serious about this. You're gifted.
Oh, and thanks for the advice on how to handle Wayne :)
Wow! You got me...I thought he was walking through that door to be let go. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow! You got me...I thought he was walking through that door to be let go. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
I could feel this one in my gut.
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