Gazing deeply into the depths of her beautiful yet empty eyes
he saw the embers of fire smoldering in her soul.
All she needed was the right spark
to get those long dormant flames of passion leaping to life.
Then she would feel again
and release herself from the bondage of what life had become.

This is a Flash Fiction Friday 55
hosted by Mr. Knowitall.
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Keep on schedule - post Sunday
Let me know you have posted via a comment on my site
Visit at least one other Sunday 160
I promise I will read your 160 and post a comment.
I will admit I'm lazy Sunday mornings lazy, so please be patient
That was lovely and sad. Great flash, as you present a whole other story for the reader to imagine.
I sure hope she gets that fire back. I can't imagine what it must be like to have the flames go out in the soul.
Thanks, Monkey Man, always love your 55s
What a shame she's lost the passion. Hope she finds it.
Passion in bondage should never be
ignite the embers
and keep the fire burning
a different 55 for you MM
Happy Friday real is that...spark it!
I agree with kkrige; this is lovely and sad.
There are days when I think my "fire" went out a long time ago.
Thanks for another Friday 55.
Mine's here. :)
Passion should never die out.
I tried one this week. Tell me what you think.
Excellent little glimpse of a life.
Now, to get a man to gaze into my eyes...
Yikes, this one strikes a little close to home.
Well done 55, MM. You captured a feeling and a story.
Yeah, I agree with Me - this one hits me a little close. Great, passion igniting 55.
A moving 55! Passion can lull in the face of tragedy ... I know, I feel it at the moment but like an elderly lady friend said to me yesterday .. "Look for the sunshine in a darkness Katherine, because it IS there! ... Cheers Monkey! and thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog :)
passion is something to life for.
Your link didn't work from my blog. I got here thru another blog.
But thats the way it goes...
Your 55 asks an age old question..
Very well done My Friend.
You Rocked out another Gem.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
beautiful... and it takes just that one person to see it...
We all need that fire. She must get it back.
I'm rooting for her to fan the flames. A life without is unimaginable.
Love your 55.
I sure hope someone comes along to ignite the passion. Life is hard enough without having to live it with no pizazz.
Mine is at:
Getting that old fire going did it with words.
oh those burning, yearning embers.... fan those flames my friend!
Maybe she didn't have enough opportunity. Here's hoping she finds the right spark!
Fiery eyes - good 55 ! thanks-
Where there's smoke, there's fire. I can't help thinking the life spark will be re-ignited.
nic epost
Sometimes all it takes is a really good man!
Nothing better than talk of passion on a chilly Friday morning. Loved this 55, MM!
Outstanding, Monkey Man!
Interesting how the daily trials and tribulations can suck the life right out of someone.
Very interesting take this week.
"where's that spark? where's that spark?? C'mon, what did I DO with that spark??"
great 55!
Obversely, like a dying plant just needs a little water to spring back to live. Nice 55, Monkey Man!
Powerful 55. Good writing.
very deep...awesome 55!
I'm on your wavelength!!
Cool monkey man I liked this post very nice thanks for sharing.
The Alley
Ahh, nothing worse than empty eyes. The window to the soul, too often empty. Passion rocks! And so do you.
Time to get passion back...
Holy Crappola, Batman! This was serious! I'd better run to the Batcave for the fire extinguisher because your cape is on fire!
Okay seriously now, that was one smokin' 55, MM. I did want to change the word "jumping" to "leaping" because I'm a sucker for alliteration.Oh, what the 'ell!
My place is a battlefield
I could use a burning ember up my butt about now...:D Hot stuff this week MM! ;)
Sounds to me like she needs a weekly house cleaner and a date night with her husband! (usually does the trick!) :)
classical 55,
best wishes for her.
it sucks when there is nothing found to be passionate about. This was a nicely written 55; one of my favorite!
Aww...sad, yet hopeful! I hope she finds that little spark soon..
That was so beautifully written, MM!!
There is a reason I enjoy coming here.. and the reason is you write really well!! Sometimes witty, sometimes deep, sometimes light, sometimes serious.. but always awesome!!
liked this !! so true :)
I am, believe it or not, at a loss for words. You rock MM.
Very fascinating. I want to know why the passion has gone out.
oh, how many are in her sad situation. may they all be released.
So real. Loved it.
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