The jays screamed
from the safety
of pine branches
as the cat prowled
the ground.
The chickadee
was not so lucky.
A yard gnome stood as the lone silent witness.
This is a Sunday 160.
Take the Challenge if you dare.
Can't fault a cat for being a cat, nor a chickadee for being prey, but that yard gnome...he could have said something to make the little bird fly away.
Sounds like you were describing my back yard. Our 2 cats are forever chasing birds.
Excellent moment in time.
Sunny Sunday #6 - Color Me Sunny
Enjoyed the visual :-) Love the gnome too...so cute.
Chef Kar
Arg! Nature, red in tooth and claw!
Loved it.
Gnomes! I love gnomes....
I wonder what stories the gnomes would tell if they could....
Great visual on this one. All three are just fulfilling thier lot in life.
Awwww, poor little chickadee. Such is life, unless we take care of ourselves we will fall prey to some monster larger than us, and the gnomes will just stand by and watch, innocently.
Groovy gnome.jeNN
I love this writing that you do. I have tried a few times and yet it does not come out this well at all.
Is the Gnome evil? ::smiles::
Soft love,
WM - Damn yard gnomes and their "I don't want to get involved" attitude.
Matty - They love bringing home goodies for us. Haven't had cats for years, but have the memories.
Nessa - Just my imagination. Runnin' away with me.
CK - Some of the gnomes look very evil.
Chris - Nature can be cruel. I like the way you put it best.
PhG - I love that you love gnomes.
Greenie - That could make for an iteresting series of blogs.
Kys - yes it is their role.
DD - Gnomes. Observers never participants. I love you analogy.
JeNN - some look soo creepy.
T - The gnome is whatever your imagination creates. It makes no difference what my concept is. The fun is in the playground of your mind.
Poor Gnome...Poor chickadee...but so is life, eh?
Great post!
Useless gnome!
good day for the kitty, not so for chicadeeeeee!
I love it's simplicity, completeness, and suspense. It did open so many questions, evil gnomes and all....
I have a question, does posting my poems on my blog constitute publishing, or limit that poem's submission to a journal? I am not publishing, other than 1 Haiku in the local April poetry month newspaper, and a podcast on a public radio Art program.
Love your stuff.
Hi again, any suggestions for copywrite servers for a blog?
the things we so easily miss in nature. quite lovely!
You're really good at this.
All I hear is that English accent from that gnome on Travelosity (I think that's the name)! lol Anyway, this was really cute!
Love it. A more relaxed kind of haiku. I will join you next Sunday - or is that Saturday?
I liked the Sunday 160 may even try the challenge sometime. I'm really hooked on Flash Fiction 55's
mine is up now you'll find the link below.
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